Rare blooms
Some rare flowers bloom for only one single day and then are gone. Their scarcity of course makes them all the more desirable. What is it about human nature that makes us value that scarcity above all else? I’m not trained in psychology or philosophy so I will...
Breast cancer awareness month
This is a tricky one for me. Many of those of you who know me personally already know that, nearly 10 years ago now, I received a breast cancer diagnosis. I was not expecting it, I was quite young and I continued my business as best I could whilst I received...
Welcome to my new blog!
Hello! As this is a new format for me, I thought I would introduce myself and tell the story of how I began to make my work for a living! I’m Elizabeth and I have been working as a ceramic artist professionally now for almost 15 years. I graduated in art and design a...